E. J. McDonagh's long anticipated science fiction epic, The Crying Stars is a available now. A harrowing tale of the Anna-Bell Last and her crew, who face not just the void of deep deep outer space but an unrelenting terror that threatens to take more than just the crew's lives, but their very humanity too.

If something a little more down to earth is more your cup of tea, C. J. McDonagh's The AlleyMan, an unapologetically brutal tale of a serial killer’s thirty-odd year rampage across the city of Rockwell will also be available this year, should you have the stomach for it that is.

Looking a little further ahead, the first instalment of VanGore's take on a modern day western, The Enforcers, a series focused on every man's right to law, order and justice should be with us by year’s end. As should Phantom Works, a devilish collection of ghoulish horror stories, purposely crafted to keep you up at night.

Alongside the works above, we here at VanGore are also extremely excited for a brand new concept we are dubbing, the Novel Strip, a micro story available for free to our subscribers for a limited time.

These Novel Strips will showcase some of the best characters and ideas VanGore are working on, and we truly can’t wait to share them with you.

So that’s a little glimpse at what we here at VanGore have in in store for you this year. Maybe, just maybe we’ll have a few surprises too.it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.